VpCI-433 6G

C11600733 - VpCI-433 5 gal (19L)

VpCI-433 5 gal (19L)
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Product Details
VpCI®-432/433 are heavy-duty paint strippers designed to remove polymers, inks, resins, and coatings from metals, concrete, and wood surfaces. The formulations does not contain methylene chloride, chlorinated solvents, methanol, toluene, acetone, etc. Unlike methylene chloride-based products that evaporate quickly, VpCI®-432/433 remains on the surface to soften, penetrate, and remove the coating. The stripping time varies from 3 to 30 minutes, depending on the type and number of layers to be removed. VpCI®-432/433 have a unique combination of vapor and contact inhibiting compounds to prevent corrosion, flash rusting, and discoloration of ferrous metals, aluminum, copper, and brass after paint removal. VpCI®-432/433 paint strippers are multi-purpose formulations and are effective on a wide range of paints, lacquers, enamels, waxes, alkyds, acrylics, urethanes, and epoxies. VpCI®-433 is formulated to be an exceptionally smooth flowing gel for applications that require complete coverage to vertical surfaces or surfaces of varying geometry

• Classified as non-regulated for overseas shipment • Non-drying gel • No chromates • No phenols
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