C13603564 - S-69 Water additive 5 Gal (19L)

C13603564 - S69 Water additive 5 gal (19L)

S69 Water additive 5 gal (19L))
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Product Details
S-69 is an additive package for water treatment formulations. It protects ferrous and non-ferrous metals from corrosive contaminants and is an excellent replacement for phosphonate and/or nitrite based compounds. S-69 is an organic formulation designed for low level concentrations in field applications. This product contains a unique combination of contact and vapor phase corrosion inhibitors (VpCIs) that will provide corrosion protection, even in partially filled spaces. 

• Protect ferrous and non-ferrous metals from corrosion and pitting • Nitrite, chromate, and heavy metal-free • Contain contact and vapor phase corrosion inhibitors • Low dosage economy • Environmentally acceptable formulations • Readily water-soluble liquids for easy application
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